Who is Neva?

It is a little hard to believe that I am sitting in front of my computer, writing a post for my blog! Believe me, without the encouragement of my many new friends from around the world, and the help of my daughter, Ruth, this would not be happening. Likely, many of you are already familiar with my daughter’s blog, Media From the Heart. So now, here’s mom being introduced to this new global world of blogging!



A little about me: I was born and raised in a small coastal town called Long Beach…no, not California…but Long Beach, Washington. I am the youngest of 5 children, four older brothers, and then I came along. My brothers often gave me a hard time and told me I was our father’s favorite. And it is probably true. But my mom told me that I ruined the basketball team because I do not have an athletic bone in my body! I am sure you will hear more about my childhood as time goes on, but for now, I will push the fast forward button.

Two of my brothers & their wives – I am still the red rose between 2 thorns!

I met my hubby, Mel, of 55 years while at college in l963, and we were married two years later. We have been blessed with two children: David and Ruth and three beautiful granddaughters, Kristina, Katie, and Martha. Again….fast forward button!

Our family 8-2015. A few of us have changed since then.

Not too many years after Mel retired, we left Tacoma, Wa. and moved to the small rural community of Yelm, WA. Along with one dog, six cats, two miniature goats, our daughter Ruth, and her daughter Martha, we call this home.

Our home

I never considered myself a writer; I have always left that up to Ruth and Martha. But during this unusual time of COVID 19, as with others, our daily routine took on a new look. Everyone was at home, 24/7.


Hanging above my coffee pot is the above sign that Ruth gave me a few Christmases ago. I wonder how many times I have read that sign and really never gave it much thought. Sometimes I may have even laughed to myself, thinking, “At 77, no new dreams – maybe a new goal, but no new dreams”.

Praise God, He had a new mission for me, and He used the COVID-19 lockdown to unfold my new dream, but not my last dream: “Inspirations by Neva.”

So why this blog? I am most energized when I share God’s Word and the truths that He teaches me each day.  As a born again believer, a follower of Jesus Christ, He is my companion, my source of strength to face each new day and each unique circumstance. In John 10:10, Jesus tells us that He has come that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly. He desires that our lives overflow with blessings–physical, emotional, and spiritual blessings.

Our view of Mt. Rainier

My posts will be personal and sometimes painful to write. But if just one person is encouraged, if through my experiences, one person is willing to turn to the light of Jesus Christ, my dream will be complete.


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24 Replies to “Who is Neva?”

  1. Awesome Neva!!! So proud of you for following your dreams!!! I will be your number one fan!!! Can’t wait for more ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Luv you are doing this Neeeva 💗. I truly respect you as someone who can help guide me with your words …. believe me, I need it 😉.
    Good luck with it all and HAVE FUN!! 😊🙏

  3. Nice mom!
    Don’t let her kid ya she can write!
    She proofread all my papers and typed up some with a manual typewriter! I remember the keys would stick as she pounded away.
    Love you mom !!! 😘

    1. But I am grateful for spell check (at least most the time). Spelling was never a strong subject! I was always one of the first to sit down in the spelling bees! Really dreaded them!

  4. Wow Neva first of all congratulations on your first blog even though it reads like you have been writing for years. Never stop dreaming is what you have taught me in your first blog as you never know what is around the corner. Thank you Neva.

    Australia 🇦🇺

    1. You have always been right there supporting and encouraging me, Lisa. And you are right, Lisa….never, never stop dreaming!

  5. Neva this is beautiful. I am so very excited to see this blog blossom. Thank you for being the incredible, amazing, and inspiring woman you are. ❤

  6. Neva you have been an Incredible inspiration to me since I came to know you and you have a true gift from God for spreading his word so eloquently to others. I feel very blessed to know you! I am truly happy for you and I know your blog will be very successful! Congratulations! ❤️🤗

    1. Thank you, Eileen, for your kind and encouraging words. I am very thankful for our class….bringing so many of us together from all walks of life, from all over the world to learn new tools to be all that God created us to be!

    1. Thank you, Margaret. It has been a challenge, but a joyful one. Hope you enjoy the Green Yuk post also.

  7. Congratulations Neva ! You are such a inspiration to me. You are going to do amazing thing with your Blog.

    1. Thank you for your support, Judy. I was so resistant to even do a Facebook page – amazing how time changes.

  8. Reading your beautiful uplifting words is a wonderful way to start my day! Just remember that typing class that got you started.

    1. So thrilled when I saw your comment, Joy. I hope all is well with you. I did so well in typing, but when out in the real world, I struggled for speed/accuracy! Really appreciate spell check – at least most of the time! So nice to hear from you, Joy…and have an amazing day!

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